Web Development with HTML and CSS

Web Development with HTML and CSS


Lesson 1 - HTML and CSS Basics

  • HTML, head, title, body & div tags
  • Text, links, lists, headings & images
  • CSS selectors, properties & values

Lesson 2 - Advanced HTML and CSS

  • Forms, inputs, buttons & dropdowns
  • Tables, CSS flexbox & grid layouts
  • Iframes, video, audio & canvas

Assignment 1 - Design Mockup to Web Page

  • Study and inspect a design mockup
  • Add HTML content and style with CSS
  • Deploy the final web page to the cloud

Lesson 3 - Version Control and Cloud Deployment

  • Introduction to Git & GitHub
  • Branches, commits, push & pull
  • Cloud deployment to Vercel

Lesson 4 - Responsive Design and CSS Flexbox

  • Media queries & mobile-friendly design
  • Creating fluid layouts with CSS flexbox
  • Building and testing a responsive website

Assignment 2 - Mobile-First Responsive Web Design

  • Inspect device-specific mockups
  • Set up breakpoints and base styles
  • Implement mobile-first design

Lesson 5 - Bootstrap CSS Framework

  • Installing Bootstrap and customizing base styles
  • Creating responsive layouts using the grid system
  • Building a web page using Bootstrap components

Assignment 3 - Build a Scientific Calculator

  • Build user interface with HTML & CSS
  • Add event handlers to DOM nodes
  • Implement logic with JavaScript functions

Lesson 6 - Express Web Application Framework

  • Setting up HTTP routes & methods
  • Rendering templates & static files
  • Cloud deployment to Vercel

Project - Build Your Personal Website

  • Pick a template or create wireframes
  • Create a website with multiple pages
  • Add content and deploy to the cloud