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Conjugation Model

By Ved and Amogh

We make a mass action model for conjugation

\ce{ \varnothing &->[growthrate \cdot R \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{R + T + D}{N_{0}} \right)] R}\
\ce{ \varnothing &->[growthrate \cdot T \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{R + T + D}{N_{0}} \right)] T}\
\ce{ \varnothing &->[growthrate \cdot D \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{R + T + D}{N_{0}} \right)] D}\
\ce{ R + D &<=>[kf1][kr1] interrd}\
\ce{ T + R &->[kf2] interrt}\
\ce{ interrt &->[kr2] R + T}\
\ce{ interrd &->[k1] T + D}\
\ce{ interrt &->[k2] 2 \cdot T}

R  =  Reciepient  CellsR\;=\; Reciepient\; Cells
T  =  TransconjugantsT\; =\; Transconjugants
D  =  DonorsD\; =\; Donors
interrd  =  Mating  pair  between  recipient  and  donorinterrd\; =\; Mating\; pair\; between\; recipient\; and\; donor
interrt  =  Mating  pair  between  recipient  and  transconjugantinterrt\; =\; Mating\; pair\; between\; recipient\; and\; transconjugant

Converting the model into Differential equations we get:

\frac{dR(t)}{dt} =& growthrate \cdot R \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{R + T + D}{N_{0}} \right) - kf1 \cdot R \cdot D + kr1 \cdot interrd - kf2 \cdot T \cdot R + kr2 \cdot interrt \
\frac{dT(t)}{dt} =& growthrate \cdot T \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{R + T + D}{N_{0}} \right) - kf2 \cdot T \cdot R + kr2 \cdot interrt + k1 \cdot interrd + 2 \cdot k2 \cdot interrt \
\frac{dD(t)}{dt} =& growthrate \cdot D \cdot \left( 1 - \frac{R + T + D}{N_{0}} \right) - kf1 \cdot R \cdot D + kr1 \cdot interrd + k1 \cdot interrd \
\frac{dinterrd(t)}{dt} =& kf1 \cdot R \cdot D - kr1 \cdot interrd - k1 \cdot interrd \
\frac{dinterrt(t)}{dt} =& kf2 \cdot T \cdot R - kr2 \cdot interrt - k2 \cdot interrt

#Load all the packages.
using DifferentialEquations,Plots,DiffEqBiological
using Latexify
global growthrate = 1.# growth rate
global N_0 = 10^20 #pop cap

@reaction_func growth(x) = growthrate*x*(1 - (R+T+D)/N_0)

conjugationmodel = @reaction_network begin

    growth(R), 0 → R
    growth(T), 0 → T
    growth(D), 0 → D
    kf1, R + D → interrd
    kr1, interrd → R + D
    kf2, T + R → interrt
    kr2, interrt → R + T
    k1, interrd → T + D
    k2, interrt → 2*T

    end kf1 kf2 kr1 kr2 k1 k2

┌ Warning: The RegularJump interface has changed to be matrix-free. See the documentation for more details. └ @ DiffEqJump /home/ved/.julia/packages/DiffEqJump/sEB5p/src/jumps.jl:43
(::reaction_network) (generic function with 2 methods)