Academic Performance Analysis: How Exam Scores and Demographic Factors Affect Student Success

Education plays a vital role in shaping individuals' lives and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Academic performance, as measured by exam scores, is a significant indicator of students' achievements and their understanding of various subjects. However, academic success is influenced by numerous factors, including demographic characteristics, socioeconomic backgrounds, and personal attributes. Understanding the relationship between these factors and exam scores can provide valuable insights into educational systems and help identify areas for improvement.

In this project, we delve into the intriguing realm of academic performance by analyzing a comprehensive dataset of students' exam scores and their associated demographic information. Our goal is to explore the intricate interplay between various factors and exam outcomes, uncover patterns, and draw meaningful conclusions.


The "Students Exam Scores" dataset is a collection of scores obtained by students in different subjects across multiple semesters. The dataset consists of 30641 rows and 15 columns containing information about the students' demographic data such as gender, race/ethnicity, parental level of education, lunch, and whether they have completed a test preparation course. The scores for Math, Reading, and Writing are also included in the dataset.

Here is a breakdown of the columns in the dataset:

Student ID: A unique identifier for each student.
Gender: The student's gender.
Race/Ethnicity: The student's race/ethnicity.
Parental Level of Education: The highest level of education attained by the student's parents.
Lunch: Whether the student receives free or reduced-price lunch.
Test Prep: Whether the student completed a test preparation course.
Math: The student's score on the math exam.
Reading: The student's score on the reading exam.
Writing: The student's score on the writing exam.
Total Score: The student's total score across all three exams.
GPA: The student's GPA.
Graduated: Whether the student graduated from high school.
College Acceptance: Whether the student was accepted to college.
This dataset can be used to explore a variety of factors that may influence student achievement, such as gender, race/ethnicity, parental level of education, lunch, test preparation, and GPA. It can also be used to identify students who may be at risk of academic failure and provide them with early intervention services.

Downloading the Dataset

To access the "Students Exam Scores" dataset, you can follow these steps to download it from the Keggal website:

Go to the Keggal website ( and navigate to the dataset section.
Search for the "Students Exam Scores" dataset.
Click on the download button or link associated with the dataset.
Choose the desired file format (e.g., CSV, Excel) for the dataset.
Specify the location on your computer where you want to save the downloaded file.
Wait for the download to complete.
Once the dataset is downloaded, you can load it into your preferred data analysis tool or programming language to start exploring and analyzing the data.

!pip install jovian opendatasets --upgrade --quiet

Let's begin by downloading the data, and listing the files within the dataset.