Logistic Regression with Scikit Learn - Machine Learning with Python

This tutorial is a part of Zero to Data Science Bootcamp by Jovian and Machine Learning with Python: Zero to GBMs


The following topics are covered in this tutorial:

  • Downloading a real-world dataset from Kaggle
  • Exploratory data analysis and visualization
  • Splitting a dataset into training, validation & test sets
  • Filling/imputing missing values in numeric columns
  • Scaling numeric features to a (0,1)(0,1) range
  • Encoding categorical columns as one-hot vectors
  • Training a logistic regression model using Scikit-learn
  • Evaluating a model using a validation set and test set
  • Saving a model to disk and loading it back

How to run the code

This tutorial is an executable Jupyter notebook hosted on Jovian. You can run this tutorial and experiment with the code examples in a couple of ways: using free online resources (recommended) or on your computer.

Option 1: Running using free online resources (1-click, recommended)

The easiest way to start executing the code is to click the Run button at the top of this page and select Run on Colab. You will be prompted to connect your Google Drive account so that this notebook can be placed into your drive for execution.

Option 2: Running on your computer locally

To run the code on your computer locally, you'll need to set up Python, download the notebook and install the required libraries. We recommend using the Conda distribution of Python. Click the Run button at the top of this page, select the Run Locally option, and follow the instructions.

Problem Statement

This tutorial takes a practical and coding-focused approach. We'll learn how to apply logistic regression to a real-world dataset from Kaggle:

QUESTION: The Rain in Australia dataset contains about 10 years of daily weather observations from numerous Australian weather stations. Here's a small sample from the dataset:


As a data scientist at the Bureau of Meteorology, you are tasked with creating a fully-automated system that can use today's weather data for a given location to predict whether it will rain at the location tomorrow.


EXERCISE: Before proceeding further, take a moment to think about how you can approach this problem. List five or more ideas that come to your mind below:

  1. ???
  2. ???
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???

Linear Regression vs. Logistic Regression

In the previous tutorial, we attempted to predict a person's annual medical charges using linear regression. In this tutorial, we'll use logistic regression, which is better suited for classification problems like predicting whether it will rain tomorrow. Identifying whether a given problem is a classfication or regression problem is an important first step in machine learning.