Updated 3 years ago
!pip3 install pyyaml
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages (3.13)
from google.colab import drive
Drive already mounted at /content/drive; to attempt to forcibly remount, call drive.mount("/content/drive", force_remount=True).
# For parsing the yaml data
import yaml
import re
log_file = "/content/drive/MyDrive/SA/output_manual.txt"
re_pattern = '\[INFO\] \[[0-9]*[.][0-9]+, [0-9]*[.][0-9]+\]: '
with open(log_file,'r') as f:
lines = f.read()
lines = re.sub(re_pattern, "|", lines)
logs = []
for f in lines.split('|')[1:]:
# carla.VehiclePhysicsControl
{'center_of_mass': {'x': 0.5999999642372131, 'y': 0.0, 'z': -0.5},
'clutch_strength': 10.0,
'damping_rate_full_throttle': 0.05000000074505806,
'damping_rate_zero_throttle_clutch_disengaged': 0.3499999940395355,
'damping_rate_zero_throttle_clutch_engaged': 2.0,
'drag_coefficient': 0.30000001192092896,
'gear_switch_time': 0.5,
'id': 379,
'mass': 200.0,
'max_rpm': 12500.0,
'moi': 1.0,
'rolename': 'ego_vehicle',
'type': 'vehicle.eteam.kerubless',
'use_gear_autobox': True,
'wheels': [{'damping_rate': 0.25,
'max_brake_torque': 700.0,
'max_handbrake_torque': 0.0,
'max_steer_angle': 0.7853981852531433,
'position': {'x': 0.8034082031250023,
'y': 0.6081219482422,
'z': -0.2865237975120544},
'radius': 26.0,
'tire_friction': 3.5},
{'damping_rate': 0.25,
'max_brake_torque': 700.0,
'max_handbrake_torque': 0.0,
'max_steer_angle': 0.7853981852531433,
'position': {'x': 0.8034082031250023,
'y': -0.6072686767578261,
'z': -0.28652206182479856},
'radius': 26.0,
'tire_friction': 3.5},
{'damping_rate': 0.25,
'max_brake_torque': 700.0,
'max_handbrake_torque': 1400.0,
'max_steer_angle': 0.0,
'position': {'x': -0.724609375,
'y': 0.5681219482421795,
'z': -0.28647407293319704},
'radius': 26.0,
'tire_friction': 3.5},
{'damping_rate': 0.25,
'max_brake_torque': 700.0,
'max_handbrake_torque': 1400.0,
'max_steer_angle': 0.0,
'position': {'x': -0.724609375,
'y': -0.5672882080078239,
'z': -0.28647245168685914},
'radius': 26.0,
'tire_friction': 3.5}]}
# logs[1:]
{'acceleration': {'angular': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.0, 'z': 0.0},
'linear': {'x': 0.012754201889038086,
'y': -0.7609748840332031,
'z': 0.004217866808176041}},
'control': {'brake': 0.0,
'gear': 5,
'hand_brake': False,
'header': {'frame_id': '', 'seq': 0, 'stamp': {'nsecs': 0, 'secs': 0}},
'manual_gear_shift': False,
'reverse': False,
'steer': 0.0,
'throttle': 1.0},
'header': {'frame_id': 'map',
'seq': 1425,
'stamp': {'nsecs': 39182648, 'secs': 78}},
'orientation': {'w': 0.6858765864140473,
'x': -0.004533060922846557,
'y': -0.004497546391040654,
'z': -0.7276898595171877},
'velocity': 14.221641540527344}