COVID-19 Vaccination Progress Around The World


The data contains the following information:

  1. Country - this is the country for which the vaccination information is provided;
  2. Country ISO Code - ISO code for the country;
  3. Date- date for the data entry; for some of the dates we have only the daily vaccinations, for others, only the (cumulative) total;
  4. Total number of vaccin ations - this is the absolute number of total immunizations in the country;
  5. Total number of people vaccinated - a person, depending on the immunization scheme, will receive one or more (typically 2) vaccines; at a certain moment, the number of vaccination might be larger than the number of people;
  6. Total number of people fully vaccinated - this is the number of people that received the entire set of immunization according to the immunization scheme (typically 2); at a certain moment in time, there might be a certain number of people that received one vaccine and another number (smaller) of people that received all vaccines in the scheme;
  7. Daily vaccinations (raw) - for a certain data entry, the number of vaccination for that date/country;
  8. Daily vaccinations - for a certain data entry, the number of vaccination for that date/country;
  9. Total vaccinations per hundred - ratio (in percent) between vaccination number and total population up to the date in the country;
  10. Total number of people vaccinated per hundred - ratio (in percent) between population immunized and total population up to the date in the country;
  11. Total number of people fully vaccinated per hundred - ratio (in percent) between population fully immunized and total population up to the date in the country;
  12. Number of vaccinations per day - number of daily vaccination for that day and country;
  13. Daily vaccinations per million - ratio (in ppm) between vaccination number and total population for the current date in the country;
  14. Vaccines used in the country - total number of vaccines used in the country (up to date);

Data Source - Kaggle;

Source website -

import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)
# Input data files are available in the read-only "../input/" directory
# For example, running this (by clicking run or pressing Shift+Enter) will list all files under the input directory
import os
for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk('/kaggle/input'):
    for filename in filenames:
        print(os.path.join(dirname, filename))
!pip install plotly --upgrade --quiet