
We'll analyze the StackOverflow developer survey dataset. The dataset contains responses to an annual survey conducted by StackOverflow. You can find the raw data & official analysis here:

The data is based on survey responded by the visitors of stackoverflow platform. It asks around 60 question related to experience, demogrphy, location, programming language etc.

Downloading the dataset.

  • We can use the urlretrieve function from the urllib.request to download CSV files from a raw URL.

  • But here we'll use the opendatasets helper library to download the files.

  • To use opendatets we have to install it.

!pip install opendatasets --upgrade --q
import opendatasets as od'stackoverflow-developer-survey-2020')
Using downloaded and verified file: ./stackoverflow-developer-survey-2020/survey_results_public.csv Using downloaded and verified file: ./stackoverflow-developer-survey-2020/survey_results_schema.csv Using downloaded and verified file: ./stackoverflow-developer-survey-2020/README.txt