Assignment 1 - Python Basics Practice

This assignment is a part of the course "Data Analysis with Python: Zero to Pandas"

In this assignment, you'll get to practice some of the concepts and skills covered in the following notebooks:

  1. First Steps with Python and Jupyter
  2. A Quick Tour of Variables and Data Types
  3. Branching using Conditional Statements and Loops

As you go through this notebook, you will find a ??? in certain places. To complete this assignment, you must replace all the ??? with appropriate values, expressions or statements to ensure that the notebook runs properly end-to-end.

Some things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure to run all the code cells, otherwise you may get errors like NameError for undefined variables.
  • Do not change variable names, delete cells or disturb other existing code. It may cause problems during evaluation.
  • In some cases, you may need to add some code cells or new statements before or after the line of code containing the ???.
  • Since you'll be using a temporary online service for code execution, save your work by running jovian.commit at regular intervals.
  • Questions marked (Optional) will not be considered for evaluation, and can be skipped. They are for your learning.

You can make submissions on this page:

If you are stuck, you can ask for help on the community forum: . You can get help with errors or ask for hints, but please don't ask for or share the full working answer code on the forum.

How to run the code and save your work

The recommended way to run this notebook is to click the "Run" button at the top of this page, and select "Run on Binder". This will run the notebook on, a free online service for running Jupyter notebooks.

Before staring the assignment, let's save a snapshot of the assignment to your profile, so that you can access it later, and continue your work.

# Install the library
!pip install jovian --upgrade --quiet
# Import it
import jovian
# Capture and upload a snapshot
jovian.commit(project=project_name, privacy='secret', evironment=None)
[jovian] Attempting to save notebook.. [jovian] Please enter your API key ( from ): API KEY: ········ [jovian] Updating notebook "apr2000cbe/python-practice-assignment" on [jovian] Uploading notebook.. [jovian] Capturing environment.. [jovian] Committed successfully!