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Natural Language Classification

You did a great such a great job for DeFalco's restaurant in the previous exercise that the chef has hired you for a new project.

The restaurant's menu includes an email address where visitors can give feedback about their food.

The manager wants you to create a tool that automatically sends him all the negative reviews so he can fix them, while automatically sending all the positive reviews to the owner, so the manager can ask for a raise.

You will first build a model to distinguish positive reviews from negative reviews using Yelp reviews because these reviews include a rating with each review. Your data consists of the text body of each review along with the star rating. Ratings with 1-2 stars count as "negative", and ratings with 4-5 stars are "positive". Ratings with 3 stars are "neutral" and have been dropped from the data.

Let's get started. First, run the next code cell.

import pandas as pd

# Set up code checking
from learntools.core import binder
from learntools.nlp.ex2 import *
print("\nSetup complete")
Setup complete

Step 1: Evaluate the Approach

Is there anything about this approach that concerns you? After you've thought about it, run the function below to see one point of view.

# Check your answer (Run this code cell to receive credit!)