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NLP Course 2 Week 1 Lesson : Building The Model - Lecture Exercise 02

Estimated Time: 20 minutes

Candidates from String Edits

Create a list of candidate strings by applying an edit operation

Imports and Data

# data
word = 'dearz' # 🦌


Find all the ways you can split a word into 2 parts !

# splits with a loop
splits_a = []
for i in range(len(word)+1):

for i in splits_a:
['', 'dearz'] ['d', 'earz'] ['de', 'arz'] ['dea', 'rz'] ['dear', 'z'] ['dearz', '']
# same splits, done using a list comprehension
splits_b = [(word[:i], word[i:]) for i in range(len(word) + 1)]

for i in splits_b:
('', 'dearz') ('d', 'earz') ('de', 'arz') ('dea', 'rz') ('dear', 'z') ('dearz', '')