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The Three Ways of Attention and Dot Product Attention: Ungraded Lab Notebook

In this notebook you'll explore the three ways of attention (encoder-decoder attention, causal attention, and bi-directional self attention) and how to implement the latter two with dot product attention.


As you learned last week, attention models constitute powerful tools in the NLP practitioner's toolkit. Like LSTMs, they learn which words are most important to phrases, sentences, paragraphs, and so on. Moreover, they mitigate the vanishing gradient problem even better than LSTMs. You've already seen how to combine attention with LSTMs to build encoder-decoder models for applications such as machine translation.


This week, you'll see how to integrate attention into transformers. Because transformers are not sequence models, they are much easier to parallelize and accelerate. Beyond machine translation, applications of transformers include:

  • Auto-completion
  • Named Entity Recognition
  • Chatbots
  • Question-Answering
  • And more!

Along with embedding, positional encoding, dense layers, and residual connections, attention is a crucial component of transformers. At the heart of any attention scheme used in a transformer is dot product attention, of which the figures below display a simplified picture:

alt alt

With basic dot product attention, you capture the interactions between every word (embedding) in your query and every word in your key. If the queries and keys belong to the same sentences, this constitutes bi-directional self-attention. In some situations, however, it's more appropriate to consider only words which have come before the current one. Such cases, particularly when the queries and keys come from the same sentences, fall into the category of causal attention.


For causal attention, we add a mask to the argument of our softmax function, as illustrated below:

alt alt

Now let's see how to implement attention with NumPy. When you integrate attention into a transformer network defined with Trax, you'll have to use trax.fastmath.numpy instead, since Trax's arrays are based on JAX DeviceArrays. Fortunately, the function interfaces are often identical.


import sys

import numpy as np
import scipy.special

import textwrap
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=70)

# to print the entire np array

Here are some helper functions that will help you create tensors and display useful information:

  • create_tensor() creates a numpy array from a list of lists.
  • display_tensor() prints out the shape and the actual tensor.
def create_tensor(t):
    """Create tensor from list of lists"""
    return np.array(t)

def display_tensor(t, name):
    """Display shape and tensor"""
    print(f'{name} shape: {t.shape}\n')