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Stack Semantics in Trax: Ungraded Lab

In this ungraded lab, we will explain the stack semantics in Trax. This will help in understanding how to use layers like Select and Residual which operates on elements in the stack. If you've taken a computer science class before, you will recall that a stack is a data structure that follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. That is, whatever is the latest element that is pushed into the stack will also be the first one to be popped out. If you're not yet familiar with stacks, then you may find this short tutorial useful. In a nutshell, all you really need to remember is it puts elements one on top of the other. You should be aware of what is on top of the stack to know which element you will be popping. You will see this in the discussions below. Let's get started!


import numpy as np              # regular ol' numpy
from trax import layers as tl   # core building block
from trax import shapes         # data signatures: dimensionality and type
from trax import fastmath       # uses jax, offers numpy on steroids

1. The tl.Serial Combinator is Stack Oriented.

To understand how stack-orientation works in Trax, most times one will be using the Serial layer. We will define two simple Function layers: 1) Addition and 2) Multiplication.

Suppose we want to make the simple calculation (3 + 4) * 15 + 3. Serial will perform the calculations in the following manner 3 4 add 15 mul 3 add. The steps of the calculation are shown in the table below. The first column shows the operations made on the stack and the second column the output of those operations. Moreover, the rightmost element in the second column represents the top of the stack (e.g. in the second row, Push(3) pushes 3 on top of the stack and 4 is now under it).


After processing all the stack contains 108 which is the answer to our simple computation.

From this, the following can be concluded: a stack-based layer has only one way to handle data, by taking one piece of data from atop the stack, termed popping, and putting data back atop the stack, termed pushing. Any expression that can be written conventionally, can be written in this form and thus be amenable to being interpreted by a stack-oriented layer like Serial.