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Course 2 week 1 lecture notebook Ex 02

Risk Scores, Pandas and Numpy

Here, you'll get a chance to see the risk scores implemented as Python functions.

  • Atrial fibrillation: Chads-vasc score
  • Liver disease: MELD score
  • Heart disease: ASCVD score

Compute the chads-vasc risk score for atrial fibrillation.

  • Look for the # TODO comments to see which parts you will complete.
# Complete the function that calculates the chads-vasc score. 
# Look for the # TODO comments to see which sections you should fill in.

def chads_vasc_score(input_c, input_h, input_a2, input_d, input_s2, input_v, input_a, input_sc):
    # congestive heart failure
    coef_c = 1 
    # Coefficient for hypertension
    coef_h = 1 
    # Coefficient for Age >= 75 years
    coef_a2 = 2
    # Coefficient for diabetes mellitus
    coef_d = 1
    # Coefficient for stroke
    coef_s2 = 2
    # Coefficient for vascular disease
    coef_v = 1
    # Coefficient for age 65 to 74 years
    coef_a = 1
    # TODO Coefficient for female
    coef_sc = 1
    # Calculate the risk score
    risk_score = (input_c * coef_c) +\
                 (input_h * coef_h) +\
                 (input_a2 * coef_a2) +\
                 (input_d * coef_d) +\
                 (input_s2 * coef_s2) +\
                 (input_v * coef_v) +\
                 (input_a * coef_a) +\
                 (input_sc * coef_sc)
    return risk_score

Calculate the risk score

Calculate the chads-vasc score for a patient who has the following attributes:

  • Congestive heart failure? No
  • Hypertension: yes
  • Age 75 or older: no
  • Diabetes mellitus: no
  • Stroke: no
  • Vascular disease: yes
  • Age 65 to 74: no
  • Female? : yes
# Calculate the patient's Chads-vasc risk score
tmp_c = 0
tmp_h = 1
tmp_a2 = 0
tmp_d = 0
tmp_s2 = 0
tmp_v = 1
tmp_a = 0
tmp_sc = 1

print(f"The chads-vasc score for this patient is",
      f"{chads_vasc_score(tmp_c, tmp_h, tmp_a2, tmp_d, tmp_s2, tmp_v, tmp_a, tmp_sc)}")
The chads-vasc score for this patient is 3