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AI4M Course 1 week 3 lecture notebook

U-Net model

In this week's assignment, you'll be using a network architecture called "U-Net". The name of this network architecture comes from it's U-like shape when shown in a diagram like this (image from U-net entry on wikipedia):

U-net Image

U-nets are commonly used for image segmentation, which will be your task in the upcoming assignment. You won't actually need to implement U-Net in the assignment, but we wanted to give you an opportunity to gain some familiarity with this architecture here before you use it in the assignment.

As you can see from the diagram, this architecture features a series of down-convolutions connected by max-pooling operations, followed by a series of up-convolutions connected by upsampling and concatenation operations. Each of the down-convolutions is also connected directly to the concatenation operations in the upsampling portion of the network. For more detail on the U-Net architecture, have a look at the original U-Net paper by Ronneberger et al. 2015.

In this lab, you'll create a basic U-Net using Keras.

# Import the elements you'll need to build your U-Net
import keras
from keras import backend as K
from keras.engine import Input, Model
from keras.layers import Conv3D, MaxPooling3D, UpSampling3D, Activation, BatchNormalization, PReLU, Deconvolution3D
from keras.optimizers import Adam
from keras.layers.merge import concatenate
# Set the image shape to have the channels in the first dimension
Using TensorFlow backend.

The "depth" of your U-Net

The "depth" of your U-Net is equal to the number of down-convolutions you will use. In the image above, the depth is 4 because there are 4 down-convolutions running down the left side including the very bottom of the U.

For this exercise, you'll use a U-Net depth of 2, meaning you'll have 2 down-convolutions in your network.

Input layer and its "depth"

In this lab and in the assignment, you will be doing 3D image segmentation, which is to say that, in addition to "height" and "width", your input layer will also have a "length". We are deliberately using the word "length" instead of "depth" here to describe the third spatial dimension of the input so as not to confuse it with the depth of the network as defined above.

The shape of the input layer is (num_channels, height, width, length), where num_channels you can think of like color channels in an image, height, width and length are just the size of the input.

For the assignment, the values will be:

  • num_channels: 4
  • height: 160
  • width: 160
  • length: 16