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import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
# Input (temp, rainfall, humidity)
inputs = np.array([[73, 67, 43], [91, 88, 64], [87, 134, 58], 
                   [102, 43, 37], [69, 96, 70], [73, 67, 43], 
                   [91, 88, 64], [87, 134, 58], [102, 43, 37], 
                   [69, 96, 70], [73, 67, 43], [91, 88, 64], 
                   [87, 134, 58], [102, 43, 37], [69, 96, 70]], 

# Targets (apples, oranges)
targets = np.array([[56, 70], [81, 101], [119, 133], 
                    [22, 37], [103, 119], [56, 70], 
                    [81, 101], [119, 133], [22, 37], 
                    [103, 119], [56, 70], [81, 101], 
                    [119, 133], [22, 37], [103, 119]], 

inputs = torch.from_numpy(inputs)
targets = torch.from_numpy(targets)
inputs, targets
(tensor([[ 73.,  67.,  43.],
         [ 91.,  88.,  64.],
         [ 87., 134.,  58.],
         [102.,  43.,  37.],
         [ 69.,  96.,  70.],
         [ 73.,  67.,  43.],
         [ 91.,  88.,  64.],
         [ 87., 134.,  58.],
         [102.,  43.,  37.],
         [ 69.,  96.,  70.],
         [ 73.,  67.,  43.],
         [ 91.,  88.,  64.],
         [ 87., 134.,  58.],
         [102.,  43.,  37.],
         [ 69.,  96.,  70.]]),
 tensor([[ 56.,  70.],
         [ 81., 101.],
         [119., 133.],
         [ 22.,  37.],
         [103., 119.],
         [ 56.,  70.],
         [ 81., 101.],
         [119., 133.],
         [ 22.,  37.],
         [103., 119.],
         [ 56.,  70.],
         [ 81., 101.],
         [119., 133.],
         [ 22.,  37.],
         [103., 119.]]))

Dataset and Loader

from torch.utils.data import TensorDataset