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COVID-19.NG, The first 200days.

This project is a soft analysis of the COVID-19 data available for nigeria since we had our first case over 200 days ago. it is an analysis of the first 211 days. it spans from the 28/02/2020 - 25/09/2020 .

The dataset was gotten from https://github.com/JovianML/opendatasets a package containing numerous datasets compiled by the jovain.ML team who also took me through a course on data analysis(https://jovian.ml/learn/data-analysis-with-python-zero-to-pandas).

I want to say thank you to the Jovian.ML team as I had a wonderful learning experience.

I am going to make the code in the subsequent sections simple and well documented so as to help others who are interested in python for data analysis.

'''Here we are going to import all the necessary libraries we are going to need for the project.
Numpy and Pandas for data manipulation and then matplotlib and seaborn for visualization'''

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import seaborn as sns

%matplotlib inline 
#This allows us visualize our charts right here in the notebook

In the cell below we are going to read the already downloaded csv file with the help of pandas.

The source of the dataset is above in the first markdown block.

covid_df = pd.read_csv('owid-covid-data.csv')

Data Preparation and Cleaning

The dataset above contains covid data across all countries but we are only interested in covid data for nigeria so we are going to extract the dataset for only nigeria from the above but first we would create a copy of this dataset so that we can always recall the original dataset.