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Assignment 1

María V. Ortiz

Part of Python Zero to GANs course


# Import torch and other required modules
import torch
import numpy as np

Function 1 - torch.reshape(input, shape)

It is used to change the dimensions of tensors.

Returns a tensor with the same data and number of elements as input, but with the specified shape.

# setting the random seed for pytorch

a = torch.randn(9,2)

a, a.shape
(tensor([[ 1.9269,  1.4873],
         [-0.4974,  0.4396],
         [-0.7581,  1.0783],
         [ 0.8008,  1.6806],
         [ 0.3559, -0.6866],
         [ 0.6105,  1.3347],
         [-0.2316,  0.0418],
         [-0.2516,  0.8599],
         [-0.3097, -0.3957]]), torch.Size([9, 2]))

PyTorch will rearrange tensors so they match the shape that is specified in the tuple