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Converting Text Data to Lowercase

How to lowercase the data?

Solution: lower()

text = [
    'This is introduction to NLP',
    'It is likely to be useful, to people',
    'Machine Learning is the new electricity',
    'There would be less hype around AI and more action going forward',
    'python is the best tool!',
    'R is good language',
    'I like this book',
    'I want more books like this'
['This is introduction to NLP',
 'It is likely to be useful, to people',
 'Machine Learning is the new electricity',
 'There would be less hype around AI and more action going forward',
 'python is the best tool!',
 'R is good language',
 'I like this book',
 'I want more books like this']
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'tweet':text})