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import os
import tarfile as tar
from pathlib import Path
from torchvision.datasets.utils import download_url

import numpy as np
import torch
import torchvision
#Downlaod cifar10 dataset
url = Path("http://files.fast.ai/data")

filename = "cifar10.tgz"
root = Path("./data")

download_url(url = url/filename, root = root)
Using downloaded and verified file: data/cifar10.tgz
#Unzip cifar10.tgz

with tar.open(name = root/filename, mode = 'r:gz') as cifar10:
    cifar10.extractall(path = root)
cifar10_dir = root/"cifar10"

['train', 'test', 'labels.txt']
#Cifar10 classes