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class CreditCard:
    ''' A consumer credit card.'''
    def __init__(self, customer, bank, acnt, limit):
        '''Create a new credit card instance.
         The initial balance is zero.
         customer the name of the customer (e.g., John Bowman )
         bank the name of the bank (e.g., California Savings )
         acnt the acount identifier (e.g., 5391 0375 9387 5309 )
         limit credit limit (measured in dollars)
        self.customer = customer
        self.bank = bank
        self.account = acnt
        self.limit = limit
        self.balance = 0

    def get_customer(self):
        '''Return name of the customer.'''
        return self.customer

    def get_bank(self):
        '''Return the bank's name.'''
        return self.bank

    def get_account(self):
        '''Return the card identifying number (typically stored as a string).'''
        return self.account

    def get_limit(self):
        '''Return current credit limit.'''
        return self.limit

    def get_balance(self):
        '''Return current balance.'''
        return self.balance

    def charge(self, price):
        '''Charge given price to the card, assuming sufficient credit limit.
        Return True if charge was processed; False if charge was denied.
        if price + self.balance > self.limit: # if charge would exceed limit,
            return False # cannot accept charge
            self.balance += price
            return True

    def make_payment(self, amount):
        '''Process customer payment that reduces balance.'''
        self.balance -= amount
def make_donation(self, amount, donation_code): '''Process customer donation that reduces balance and give it to a particular indastry''' self.__transfer_money(amount, indastry_code = donation_code) def __transfer_money(self, amount, card_num=None, indastry_code=None):# private method if card_num is not None: if self.is_valid(card_num): self.make_payment(amount) self.get_account(card_num).charge(amount) else: return "Enter valid Card Number." if indastry_code is not None: if self.is_valid(indastry_code): self.make_payment(amount) self.get_account(indastry_code).charge(amount) else: return "Enter valid Indastry Code."
  • init: Constructor: Used to Initialize the data when created and prepar it to use for later time, init execute before calling any method in class.

  • self: mean each variable or method in the class are owned by the class, self.customer = CreditCard.customer.

  • __name: private

# Testing
if __name__=="__main__":
    wallet1 = CreditCard("John Bowman", "California Savings",5391037593875309, 2500)
    wallet2 = CreditCard("John Bowman", "California Federal",3485039933951954, 3500)
    wallet3 = CreditCard("John Bowman", "California Finance",5391037593875309, 5000)

    wallet = [wallet1,wallet2,wallet3]

    for val in range(1, 17):

    for c in range(3):
        print("Customer =", wallet[c].get_customer())
        print("Bank =", wallet[c].get_bank())
        print("Account =", wallet[c].get_account())
        print("Limit =", wallet[c].get_limit())
        print("Balance =", wallet[c].get_balance())

        while wallet[c].get_balance( ) > 100:
            print("New balance =", wallet[c].get_balance())
Customer = John Bowman Bank = California Savings Account = 5391037593875309 Limit = 2500 Balance = 136 New balance = 36 Customer = John Bowman Bank = California Federal Account = 3485039933951954 Limit = 3500 Balance = 272 New balance = 172 New balance = 72 Customer = John Bowman Bank = California Finance Account = 5391037593875309 Limit = 5000 Balance = 408 New balance = 308 New balance = 208 New balance = 108 New balance = 8
Help on class CreditCard in module __main__: class CreditCard(builtins.object) | CreditCard(customer, bank, acnt, limit) | | A consumer credit card. | | Methods defined here: | | __init__(self, customer, bank, acnt, limit) | Create a new credit card instance. | The initial balance is zero. | customer the name of the customer (e.g., John Bowman ) | bank the name of the bank (e.g., California Savings ) | acnt the acount identifier (e.g., 5391 0375 9387 5309 ) | limit credit limit (measured in dollars) | | charge(self, price) | Charge given price to the card, assuming sufficient credit limit. | Return True if charge was processed; False if charge was denied. | | get_account(self) | Return the card identifying number (typically stored as a string). | | get_balance(self) | Return current balance. | | get_bank(self) | Return the bank's name. | | get_customer(self) | Return name of the customer. | | get_limit(self) | Return current credit limit. | | make_payment(self, amount) | Process customer payment that reduces balance. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors defined here: | | __dict__ | dictionary for instance variables (if defined) | | __weakref__ | list of weak references to the object (if defined)